Research Professor

Thomas Finkbeiner, Ph.D.

Research Professor

Research Interests: Drilling, Well completion, Reservoir modeling, Subsurface Geomechanics, Rock mechanics &Physics

Research Scientist

Jooyoung Im

Research Scientist

Research Interests: Energy Storage, Ionic Mobility, Matrix Acidization

Post Doctoral Fellow

Bing Yang

Post-doctoral fellow

Research Interests: Fractured rock mass, Physical model test, Acoustic emission, Hydrofracturing, Reverse engineering

Daniel Stephen Wamriew

Post-doctoral fellow

Research Interests: Microseismic monitoring, Exploration Seismology, Seismic Anisotropy, Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Computational Geophysics, Deep Learning

Marine Deheuvels

Post-doctoral fellow

Research Interests: Wave propagation, Attenuation, Numerical simulations, Laboratory Measurements, Field work, Interferometry, Geothermal Energy, DAS

Wenxian Tang

Post-doctoral Fellow

Research Interests: Fuel chemistry, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy

PhD Student

María Camila Sierra Hernández

PhD student

Research Interests: Rock Mechanics, Subsurface Geomechanics, Co2 Storage, Hydrogen Storage

Masters Students

Emilio Sánchez García

MS student

Research Interests: EOR, Carbon storage utilization and storage (CCUS), Rock Mechanics, Geothermal

Kania Saffanah

MS Student

Research Interests: Rock Mechanics, Seal Rock Characterization and Integrity, Geological Storage Capacity, Reservoir Static Model, Geomechanics Model

Nestor Fabian Corzo Rivera

MS Student

Research Interests: Fracture Characterization, Geomechanical Tests, Co2 Storage, Rock Mechanics, Reservoir Geomechanics


Adzlina Abdullah

Administrative Assistant

Visiting Student

Baodong Ma

Visiting Student

Research Interests: AI drilling, Parameter Optimization, Hydraulic fracturing, Shear fractures


Chima Justin Ezekiel

Research Scientist

Research Interests: Numerical modeling and simulation, Carbon storage utilization and storage (CCUS), Enhanced oil and gas recovery, CO2-plume geothermal power generation, Optimization and uncertainty quantification of geothermal systems

Claire Birnie

Research Scientist

Research Interests: Geophysics, Deep Learning, Signal Processing, Statistical modelling, Machine Learning

Dharma Gadela

Visiting Student

Research Interests: Structural Geology, Applied Geology and Geophysics, Marine Geosciences, Geomechanics, Laboratory Research, Seismics, RockPhysics Modelling, Carbon capture and storage, Renewable Energy

Fatima Alramadan

MS Student

Research Interests: CO2 Sequestration, Reservoir modeling, Enhanced oil and gas recovery

Jyotirmoy Mallik

Visiting Associate Professor

Research Interests: Structural Geology, Fracture Modelling, Carbon capture and storage

Maimoona Jehangir

Administration Assistant

Marisol Salva Ramirez, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests: Soils properties, sediments properties, soil database

Meha Medjati

Visiting Student

Research Interests: Reservoir, Geodynamic, Sedimentology, Structural Geology

Musa Aliyu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests: THMC Coupled Processes, Reservoir Geomechanics, Geothermal Energy, CO2 Sequestration

Niccolò Menegoni

Post-doctoral fellow

Research Interests: Rock Mechanics, Structural Geology, Fracture network, Co2 Storage

Santiago Pena Clavijo

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests: Thermodynamics, Finite Element methods, Fracture Phase Field, Material Modeling, Arabian Plate deformation

Soukat Kumar Das

Postdoctoral Fellow